Episode 63: Ty @StrayedAway Twitter Voicemail Part 2

Supernatural Occurrence Studies Podcast Episode 63: Ty @StrayedAway Twitter Voicemail Part 2


Topic starts at: 06:00

– The plot thickens as we continue analyzing the viral Ty @StrayedAway Twitter Voicemail. Listen to the previous episode here: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/14329424

– Video of Ty @StrayedAway voicemail here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLd9Q6687Cg

– What’s new with Ty and the overall voicemail conspiracy?

– What other coded messages has Ty received and what do they mean?

– What messages have OTHER seemingly random people received?

– Hear new theories about the origin of Ty’s message

– What is the Ophiuchus Constellation and how does it fit into the mystery? Further info on Ophiuchus here: https://www.space.com/21759-ophiuchus.html

– Who are “The Orange” and how do they fit into the mystery?

– We disprove the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 “Black Box Theory”. Further info on MH370 here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaysia_Airlines_Flight_370

– Listen to real cockpit voice recorder messages from the doomed Alaska Airlines Flight 261 and from Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370. 

– Learn about Cicada 3301 and how it might play into Ty’s voicemail.  Further info on Cicada 3301 here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cicada_3301

– Is the whole thing a viral marketing campaign?

– Listen after the show for outtakes!

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