Every night, all over the world, hundreds of people dream about the same man. He’s known only as “This Man“, and all who dream of him describe him the same. His face is round and his chin is boxy. His hair is black and receding. Eyebrows like pitch hover over black eyes that almost look kind. His lips are thin and turned upward in a coy smile. He’s oddly familiar, yet a stranger. He looks human, yet he doesn’t. No one knows who he is or where he comes from…or what he wants. Have YOU ever dreamed of This Man?
Topic starts at 08:35
Listen to “Episode 155: Ever Dream This Man?” on Spreaker.
- Ever Dream This Man?
- This Man is the Twilight Zone Dummy
- This Man is Carl Sagan
- This Man is Michael J Anderson
- This Man is Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber
- This Man is Every Man
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